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It’s so much more than taking the payment.

Way back in the deep, dark history of financial payments (say 7 years ago) it was a straightforward world where financial institutions enabled payments for merchants and customers. Business was simple, effective and profitable. As a financial institution (FI) you established an account with a customer, merchant or individual, checked their credit worthiness, and then […]

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The importance of owning the customer for payments

The emerging payments market is fragmenting into a number of exciting new areas, such as NFC, mobile payments, Google Wallet, and a variety of online experiences. While many people are focused on getting the technology right for an eager consumer, one of the key questions to consider with any of these emerging payments is who […]

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In payments, everything is changing…and staying the same.

Many commentators, bloggers and enthusiasts in the payments industry are out there predicting the rise of the next big thing in payments – “This is the year for NFC”, “Smartphone payments to dominate”, “Tipping point for contactless”, etc. There are 2 key factors, aside from wanting to be the one who first picked the trend, […]

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